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Air Purification Specialists, Inc. (APSI) excels in providing specialized, custom-engineered solutions to the problems that plague aging Air Handling Systems and their components.  Our time-proven strategies have resulted in greatly extending the designed, functional life expectancy of these mechanical systems as much as 10-15 years - at a mere fraction of replacement costs.

Call Today for a Complimentary

Preliminary Assessment


Toll Free:  (800) 672-3386

Corporate:  (229) 859-2051


A custom design which can positively
affect your bottom line. 
For more information CALL NOW!
(800) 672-3386

Air Handler Unit


versus replacement

can save 70% - 80% of the Capital Budget. 


Blower Assembly Resurfacing
Blower Assembly Resurfacing
Drain Pan Refurbishment

The Problems  . . .

Drain Pan Refurbishment


Drain Pan Refurbishment

. . .  the Solution.

Condensate drain pan with standing water

resulting in heavy rust and biofilm.

Failed condensate drain pan with missing

metal sheeting due to rust and corrosion.

We can make a


in your facility

Find out how ...

Building Diagnostics
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